Blog da Carolina Teixeira: You da one ♪
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You da one ♪

Baby I love you, I need you here with me all the time.Baby we meant to be, you got me smiling all the time.Cause you know how to give me that.You know how to pull me back when I go runnin' tryin' to get away from loving.You know how to love me hard.I won't lie, I'm falling hard.Yep, I'm falling for ya but there's nothin' wrong with that.You the one that I dream about all day.You the one that I think about always.You are the one so I make sure I behave.My love is your love, your love is my love.Baby come, take me now, hold me now make me come alive.You got the sweetest touch.I'm so happy you can make my life


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Obrigada pela presença.
Beijos da Carol ♥

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